Having hardly been abroad before, I was looking forward to getting away the week before last (and hoping birds to my list), this time at a conference in beautiful Faro in the Algarve. I meant to do a couple of posts about this latest week “out of my area”; however, work is manic. So here are the Cliffs Notes.
Day 1: BT godwit, Common Tern, Turnstone, Swift, Swallow,
Shelduck, House Martin, Goldfinch, White Stork.
My trip started off in an optimistic fashion. I spent the 2
and a half hour flight spent flicking hopefully through the Collins guide. Then
– as we came into land – I saw my first White Stork, flying low over the marsh. On the way to the
hotel my taxi driver (who I had told I liked birds) drove via a couple of stork
nests specially. Arrived at my hotel in at 17:30; grabbed a quick shower, put
on a thick coating of factor 30, picked up bins and camera, and headed for the
The first thing I noticed was the swifts. Having not seen
any swifts at home yet, the cacophony of screams was brilliant. A great
reminder that summer wasn’t far away. I quickly located a prospective
restaurant for dinner, but decided to walk a little further along the
shorefront (and try to identify a possible boat trip for Sunday morning).
Looking out over the marsh I saw the familiar shapes of
turnstone and common tern, both displaying, as well as a number of feeding
godwit and turnstone. Further out another stork was feeding, and all the time
the was the sound of the swifts. Walking back I saw another loner take up a
seat at the afore mentioned seafood place. And that’s how I met Michiel, who
also studies microplastics (and is also a keen birder). A networking win!
Stork nest, Faro marina |
Day 2: White Stork, Curlew, Sardinian Warbler, Hoopoe, Cattle
Egret, Turnstone, Swallow, Swift, Sand Martin, Black Winged Stilt, Little Tern,
Mallard, Dunlin, Black Headed Gull, Herring Gull, Starling, Goldfinch, House
Sparrow, Knot, Azure Winged Magpie.
Breakfast at 7:30 and out by 8. Trying to catch the coolest
part of the day, I took a walk down to the harbour to see what was moving
about. The swifts were still filling the air, running low alongside the walls
of old Faro. I decided to duck into the shade of the old city, and found more stork
topping the old buildings like statues.
From there I walked south along the coast, picking up Black
Winged Stilt, Cattle Egret, and Little Tern on the way out of town. At the side
of the cycle path a number of small warblers were moving amongst the low scrub.
After 10 minutes of intermittent views I concluded Sardinian warbler, but I’m
happy to be corrected!
Sardianian Warbler |
Black Winged Stilt feeding happily amongst the fly-tipped plastics |
I turned back as it began to get warm, just in time to see a
hoopoe shoot across the road. I considered hopping a boat trip and getting to
see a little more of the wetlands; however, by that point I was already a
tomato, time to go skulk in the hotel before conference registration.
And then – just when
I thought the fun was over – Michiel and I decided to take a wander round the
university grounds as the other delegates checked in, just giving us enough
time to catch a few azure winged magpie (not to mention a brace of mosquito
bites in my case). Then it was time for introductions, networking and free
sangria, before heading back to the hotels.
Day 3: Serin, Hoopoe, Azure winged magpie, Bee-eater, Pied
fly catcher, House martin, House sparrow, Swallow, Swift.
Today was a full day of networking and lectures, and an
opportunity to catch up with the other microplastics researchers at the
conference. Today’s new face was Tomas from CEFAS, who also works on
microplastic impacts.
At the break between sessions I took my camera out to where
we’d seen the magpies the day before, on the way down to the trees a hoopoe
lifted and headed out over the scrub. There were four magpies moving between
the trees and the cut grass, and today they were joined by a number of pied
flycatchers, moving between the branches of the pines. I heard something I
didn’t recognise, scolding me from the trees. Something bright and small was
chasing between the low branches. After
At lunch I stuffed as much food I could fit into my face
then headed out with my binoculars. I could hear something else I couldn’t
recognise coming from the far side of campus. Regretting my choice of sandals I
made my way through the gravel to the chain-link, just in time to see a
bee-eater lift off in pursuit. Over the next 20 minutes I watched 3 birds move
between the dead trees ask the hawked for insects.
Bee-eater |
Azure winged magpie |
Serin |
Throng at the plastics posters |
Day 4: Serin, Jay, Greenfinch, Azure winged magpie,
Bee-eater, Pied fly catcher, House martin, House sparrow, Swallow, Swift,
Collared dove, Goldfinch.
A complete blur of a day; mainly focusing on my lurking
around my poster, trying to hand out as many business cards as possible, and
trying to eat my bodyweight in free cake. In the evening I avoid the crowds in
favour of lounging in my hotel watching episodes of Castle.
Day 5: House martin,
House sparrow, Swallow, Swift, Collared dove, Goldfinch, Sanderling, Sardinian
warbler, Yellow wagtail, Collared pratincole, Little ringed plover, Dunlin, Kentish
plover, Crested lark, Little Tern, Gannet, Grey heron, White Stork, Spoonbill,
Little egret, Probable Andouins Gull.
Last day of the conference. Everyone that went to the
banquet the night
before looked very queasy at breakfast,
I wasn’t sure if Jen was going to feel well enough for the trip to Ilha
Deserta, but I scoffed as much as I could anyway. It’d be rude to let anything
go to waste.
The morning revolved around impacts assessments, MSFD, good
cake, and bad coffee. But after lunch Jen, Michiel and I hopped in the first
taxi out, made quick change at the hotel, and ran to the pier. A 45 minute boat
ride and we were on the fringes of the Atlantic and as soon as we were ashore
we struck bird.
A pair of large larks was moving by the boardwalk. We
weren’t sure whether we had Thekla or Crested lark; the individual we saw up - close
was very darkly marked on the breast, however, looking at the long beak, red
underwings, and VERY pointed crest, we went with Crested.
Crested Lark |
The island itself is around 3 km in circumference, low
scrub, with a bar and a gull colony at its centre. We headed out on the
Atlantic side of the island, walking along the sand. Michiel and I hung back to
get a very over the scrub, and soon picked up Kentish plover and yellow wagtail.
Then a pair of dark, sandy birds lifted from around 50 meters away, one looping
back, one flying swiftly across the island; almost barrel chested, white
undersides, sharp wings and a forked tail – Pratincole!
Just as we were celebrating this, an imm. gull we didn’t recognise
went over. Short, heavy, reddish bill with black tip – long wings – white head –
dark eye – dark legs – dark “hand”. It was Michiel that called Andouins gull,
and I’m not going to argue with him!
We cut inland across the gull colony – getting better
sighting of the various gulls and wagtails on the way – and make our way to the
quieter inshore side of the island. Here were picked up a range of waders, more
little tern, and Sardinian warbler (and I begin to properly burn in the sun).Then
the other caught us up, and we made our way back round toward the jetty; where
we sat on the seawall together – watching the fish and geckos - while we waited
for the boat.
Gecko-thing |
Kentish Plover |
On the way in we were chillier, and more intent on sharing our opinions of the trip; but we got brief sightings of little ringed plover and spoonbill. All in all, those snatched hours out on the island with new friends were the highlight of the trip. Much more enjoyable that running between seminar rooms in the heat (however good the talks were)! I can only apologize to my new friends for how long it’s taken me to post this. I hope I see you all next year!