Hello from the South! Today's update comes fresh from the first ever Wildlife Xpo, exhibitions and lecturers organised by the wonderful
Wildlife Extra.
Setting out this morning with my wonderful assistant Rachel, cameraman Matt and a huge packed lunch we made a beeline for Alexandra Palace.
If you fancy going along next year be prepared for a range of stalls from well known charities, tour operators, optics manufacturers, artists and local interest groups as well as wonderful talks from Chris Packham, Andy Rouse, Mark Carwardine, Nick Baker and Bill Oddie. Wear comfy shoes and bring enough liquids as its blooming warm inside and the park is well worth a walk round (we spotted jays, green woodpecker and numerous others just on the way to and from the train station).
Keep your eyes peeled as you wander round, you don't know who you'll bump into |
There's also the chance to get involved in debates about current issues in conservation (if you can get a word in edgeways)...
...and to make a few new friends.
Unfortunately we missed the moment where Nick Baker photo-bombed the picture... |