Sunday 17 June 2012

Nests and what to do about them! (Because my cousin is awesome)

I have previously mentioned my awesome cousin, Rachel, in my post on Wildlife Expo. Well, a couple of weeks ago she sent me information regarding a nest she and her mum had found in the garden. She has carefully provided a photo of the inhabitants.

Who is sharing your garden?
Rach is going to keep us posted on the progress of the chicks and I'll get her to write me a round-up when they fledge.

I have also come across a few nests this year and the best advice I can give is steer well clear. Its important to remember that most chicks can easily choke on the food you put out for adults. Don't put out bread as it can swell up in their teeny throats! Peanuts can also cause problems. If you want to really help out, pop out some mealworms. So grab your bins, settle down in your armchair and do some window watching; enjoy your back garden babies!

If you have any nests in your garden you can let the British Trust for Ornithology know here!

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